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18:06:2011 г.




Host Company: Independent Noncommercial Organization “Saint-Petersburg Centre for Humanitarian Programs”, Director General Vasilev V. Vitalii  

Location of Host Company: 198206, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, 84/9  Petergofskoe Shosse. of.31  

Web-site:  www.artvita.spb.ru; www.youtube.com/user/artvitaVVV; www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000796326141   

Summary of Festival (brief description, place and date):  

Festival of International Cultural Cooperation "ALL FLAGS" in practice embodies forms of festival tourism, widely popular in the world. It aims to create a self-regulating social organizational model that would  allow  to provide exciting humanitarian actions with participation of foreign partners all year-round, "non stop” and serve an important social and political issues with high moral, cultural and aesthetic quality and content. Ideological spring project represents the forms of public diplomacy and lively self-help initiatives. Based on the principles  of tolerance,  respect and desire  for  knowledge and  understanding   of national cultures, exhibitions, concerts and theatrical performances its aim is to strengthen the international ties of friendship and attract a wide audience  and  business partners to accomplish this task. The Festival lasts all year around in the best concert venues in  St. Petersburg  and  North-West Russia. The design of the Festival consists  of the fractional parts, separate blocks of the Festival which takes place each  month,  representing  a new  foreign country.  The main content presents concerts by foreign performers with a variety of classical to jazz programs and also folklore which we carefully review. We are particularly welcome any creative teams which are ready to supplement their live show with  some photo exhibitions, hand-made items, master-class  cooking or even floral design  etc. Any kind of creativity can  find its  place  and  embodiment at the concert and  at the exhibition venues of the "ALL FLAGS" Festival.

To read further in section is "подробнее":

Description of problems being solved within the framework of the Festival:

A key objective of the project is to expand cultural and information space beyond national boundaries and to increase the accessibility of cultural values  and  diverse forms of foreign cultural activities. There is a main condition of the proposed project. It should be simple and democratic in the programs, it has to be bright and dynamic on the list and  all the images  has to represent an upcoming event. We started a tradition that the  "ALL FLAGS" Festival  program of activities  appears in the public domain, and it  is equally focused on people of very  different ages and social groups. 

Participants of the Festival:

Vocal bands, choirs and ensembles (minimum 3 persons); Dance groups and choreographic collectives

Instrumental ensembles: orchestras  and  ensembles,  including  the performance  of folk  music;

Teams showing fragments of folk festivals, customs, ceremonies, games, etc.;

A team must have at least 3 people, and there are no other restrictions on the number and age of the participants of the Festival.

Conditions for participation in the Festival: 

We use any form of relationships, which our foreign guests are interested  in including  contacts  with  Russian partners on the level of common interest in order  to establish a tourist interchange or  , for example, some young  performers   might be looking to  strengthen  his performing career, or even if the artists  themselves currently provide support from sponsors, government and business structures of their country or region as well. St. Petersburg Centre for Humanitarian programs takes care for a concert hall rent, printing (booklets and  posters) and arranging cultural program  (sightseeing tours of St. Petersburg, Pavlovsk, Tsarskoe  Selo). There are also the costs incurred by the  Festival organizing committee which include payment for photo and video reportage photography, organizational and  preparatory work for hotels, food, transportation, etc.  If guests have special requests to visit  some of the Russian museums ,then the organizing committee will be ready to organize it for additional fee. 

·        No later than February 15, 2012 all the participants of the Festival  has to provide materials about their group for posting information in the posters, booklets and catalogs of the Festival (the biography of the team and head, photographs of the team and a team leader, proposed concert programs to perform, links to audio or video files online. All information is accepted only by e-mail. 

 ·       The delegation can include not only artists but also the accompanying persons. Number of artists and accompanying persons is not limited; 

 ·       Each group chooses arrival and departure dates  at their own convenience and also in consultation with the Organizing Committee; 

 ·       The cost of travelling to St. Petersburg and back, vans and consular fees, transfer, payment for board and lodging, food, accommodation and other expenses related their stay in Russia are paid by participants of the Festival; 

 ·       There is 25 American dollars Registration fee for  each participant of the Festival; 

 ·       Each team participating in the Festival may bring their own CDs if they wish to sell it in Russia at their concerts, and can also organize  a small fair of souvenirs and handicrafts with the caring support of the organizing committee of the Festival; 

 ·       As a result of the performance each team participating in the Festival   receive a diploma,  printing,  video  and photo-reportage of its performance, as well as souvenirs of the Festival; 

Note: All participants of the Festival book their services only through the Organizing Committee!

Phone: +7 (911) 999-30-96;  E-mail: Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script ;  URL: www.artvita.spb.ru; www.youtube.com/user/artvitaVVV;



Deserved Art Worker of Russian Federation     


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