Summary of Festival (brief description, place and date):
Festival ofInternationalCultural Cooperation "ALLFLAGS" in practiceembodies forms of festivaltourism, widelypopularin the world. It aims to createaself-regulatingsocialorganizationalmodelthat wouldallow to provideexcitinghumanitarian actionswithparticipation of foreign partners all year-round, "non stop” and serve an important social andpoliticalissues with highmoral, cultural andaesthetic qualityand content. Ideologicalspringprojectrepresents the formsof public diplomacyandlively self-help initiatives. Based on theprinciples of tolerance,respect and desirefor knowledge andunderstanding of national cultures, exhibitions, concertsand theatrical performances its aim is to strengthen theinternationalties of friendshipand attract a wide audienceand business partners toaccomplish this task. The Festivallastsall year aroundin thebestconcert venues in St. PetersburgandNorth-West Russia. The designof the Festival consists of the fractionalparts,separate blocksof the Festival which takes place eachmonth,representinga newforeign country. Themaincontent presents concertsby foreign performerswith a variety of classical to jazz programsand also folklore which we carefully review. We are particularly welcome anycreativeteamswhich are ready tosupplement theirlive show with some photo exhibitions, hand-made items, master-class cooking or even floral designetc.Anykind of creativitycanfind itsplace andembodimentatthe concertandat the exhibition venuesof the "ALL FLAGS" Festival.
To read further in section is "подробнее":
Descriptionof problems being solvedwithin the framework ofthe Festival:
A keyobjectiveof the projectis to expandcultural and information spacebeyond national boundaries and to increase the accessibility of cultural valuesand diverse forms offoreigncultural activities. There is a main condition of the proposed project. It shouldbesimpleanddemocraticin theprograms, it has to be brightand dynamiconthe listand all the images has to represent an upcoming event. We started a tradition that the"ALL FLAGS" Festival programof activities appearsinthe public domain,and it is equallyfocusedonpeople of very differentagesand socialgroups.
Participants of the Festival:
Vocalbands,choirsandensembles(minimum3 persons);Dance groups and choreographiccollectives;
Instrumentalensembles: orchestras andensembles, includingthe performance of folkmusic;
Teams showing fragments of folk festivals, customs,ceremonies, games, etc.;
A teammust haveat least3people, and there are no otherrestrictions on the numberandage of the participantsof the Festival.
Conditions for participationinthe Festival:
We use any form ofrelationships, which our foreign guests are interestedin includingcontactswithRussianpartners on thelevel ofcommon interest in order to establish atouristinterchange or , for example, some young performersmight be looking tostrengthen his performing career, oreven if theartists themselvescurrentlyprovidesupport from sponsors, governmentand businessstructuresof their countryor region as well. St.PetersburgCentre for Humanitarianprogramstakes care for a concert hall rent, printing(booklets andposters) and arranging cultural program(sightseeing toursofSt. Petersburg,Pavlovsk, Tsarskoe Selo). There are also thecostsincurred by theFestival organizing committee which include payment for photo and video reportage photography, organizational andpreparatoryworkfor hotels,food,transportation, etc.If guests havespecialrequeststo visitsome of the Russian museums ,then the organizing committeewill be readyto organize it for additionalfee.
·No later thanFebruary 15, 2012 all the participants ofthe Festival has to provide materialsabout their groupfor posting information in the posters, bookletsandcatalogsof the Festival(the biography ofthe team and head,photographs of the team and a teamleader, proposed concert programsto perform,linkstoaudio orvideofiles online. Allinformationis acceptedonlyby e-mail.
·The delegationcan include notonlyartistsbut also theaccompanying persons.Number ofartists and accompanying personsis not limited;
·Eachgroupchoosesarrivaland departure dates at their own convenience and also in consultationwith the Organizing Committee;
·The costof travelling toSt.Petersburg and back, vansandconsular fees,transfer,paymentfor board and lodging, food, accommodation andotherexpenses relatedtheir stay inRussiaare paid by participantsof the Festival;
·There is 25 American dollars Registrationfee foreach participant of the Festival;
·Eachteamparticipating in the Festivalmaybringtheir ownCDsif they wish to sell it in Russia at theirconcerts,and can also organizea smallfairof souvenirsand handicrafts with the caring supportof the organizing committeeof the Festival;
·As a resultof the performance eachteamparticipating in the Festival receive a diploma, printing,videoand photo-reportageofits performance,as well assouvenirsof the Festival;
Note: Allparticipants of the Festivalbook theirservicesonlythrough the Organizing Committee!
Phone: +7 (911) 999-30-96;E-mail:
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